Zenith Autorised Education Agents

Zenith Authorised Agent is any person or organisation who has a written contract with Zenith to promote the college’s programs to prospective students and obtain a fee for providing students to the college.

The agents are the first point of contact between Zenith and prospective students at the college; therefore, the college puts a great emphasis on the ethical, legal, and honest conduct of its agents. Zenith employs a rigorous process in agent selection and ensures that its quality principles and objectives are ensured in dealing with education agents.

In accordance with the Standards for RTOs 2015, The National Code 2018, and The ESOS Act 2000, all agency agreements are governed by Zenith’s Agency Monitoring Policy and other policies and procedures relevant to marketing, student admissions, and enrolments.

The college requires its agents to have appropriate knowledge and understanding of the Australian international education industry and training and learning pathways of the courses offered by Zenith.

Please note, that all agents must now adhere to the new code of ethics – the Australian International Education and Training Agent Code of Ethics.

Apply to become a Zenith Education Agent

The agents are the first point of contact between Zenith and prospective students of Zenith and therefore the college puts a great emphasis on the ethical, legal, and honest conduct of its agents. Zenith employs a rigorous process in agent selection and ensures that its quality principles and objectives are met in dealing with education agents.

Zenith requires its agents to;

  • Have appropriate knowledge and understanding of the international education system in Australia, including the Australian International Education and Training Agent Code of Ethics; and
  • Act honestly and in good faith, and in the best interests of the student; and
  • Observe appropriate levels of confidentiality and transparency in their dealings with overseas students or intending overseas students; and
  • Declare in writing and take reasonable steps to avoid conflicts of interests with its duties as an education agent of the registered provider

All approved agents/agencies are placed on Zenith’s List of Approved Agents.

Agency Application Process

Process for becoming and continuing as an Zenith agency includes;

  • Application to be a Zenith Authorised Agent, including two current referees and the required supporting documents
  • Referee check and initial assessment by Zenith
  • Initial meeting/phone discussion to ensure clear agreement on ethical and quality principles and regulatory requirements
  • The signing of an Agency Agreement
  • Dispatching of an Agency Information Pack to familiarise the new agent with Zenith’s key and relevant policies, procedures and quality assurance requirements
  • Attending agent/agency training session (online video conference for offshore agents)

Agent/Agency Monitoring

Zenith monitors the performance and conduct of all the appointed agents. Agreements are offered only on a yearly basis and a yearly quality review is conducted before renewing an agreement.

Zenith expects all its agents to act in a manner consistent with legislative and regulatory requirements and comply with college’s Marketing of New Courses Policy and Procedure.

Zenith will immediately suspend or cancel the agency agreement and all student recruitment activities with an agent if it becomes aware of an education agent being negligent, careless, or incompetent or being engaged in false, misleading or unethical advertising and recruitment practices, including practices that could harm the integrity of Australian education and training.

List of Approve Agents

View the List of Zenith Approved Agents in Australia and outside Australia.

To apply, just email us at – info@zim.edu.au – with a brief introduction and the areas/markets you represent.